October, October 13-14 Sat/Sun 9:00 - 4:00
Francis Livingston is in the top ranks of American oil painters, and his work has been widely shown in galleries and publications. He is known for his thickly applied brush strokes that emphasize shape rather than line, creating an abstract approach to realism. He has taught oil painting at the San Francisco Academy of Art for over thirty years and is excellent at helping students to achieve the next step in becoming the artist that they want to be.
SUBJECT: 2 Day Workshop on Oil Painting
DATES: October 13 /14, 2018 Saturday, Sunday
TIMES: 9:00 AM - 12:00 Noon 1:00 PM - 4:00 PM
FEE: $250 SWA Members $275 non-SWA Members
$265 Non-SWA members who join SWA
LOCATION: SWA Art Center, 527 San Mateo Ave., San Bruno, CA.